10 Of The Best Teddy Quotes from Bob's Burgers
Do you have a favorite character on the hit animated show 'Bob's Burgers'? If you're like us, you can't get enough of Teddy, Bob's loyal and lovable friend. Teddy has provided us with some of the funniest and most memorable moments of the show, and in this article, we're highlighting his top ten hilarious one-liners.
From his unique sense of humor to his love of the Belcher family and Bob’s burgers, get ready to laugh out loud and appreciate Teddy all over again. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at some of Teddy's most quotable moments!
Season 6, Episode 11: “House of 1000 Bounces”
“I got pretty drunk at brunch this morning. Did you know you can have vodka in a Bloody Mary?”
Who knew, Teddy. Who knew.
Season 6, Episode 12: “Stand By Gene”
“This will either be fun or terrible.”
Me in every situation ever.
Season 3, Episode 13: “My Fuzzy Valentine”
“I like to play with a yo-yo so something comes back to me.”
The absolute sadness of this poor man.
Season 7, Episode 19: “Thelma & Louise Except Thelma is Linda”
“Wash my hands? I’m not a surgeon, Bob.”
Don’t you even dare mention hand sanitizer.
Season 3, Episode 15: “O.T. The Outside Toilet”
“His name is Bob Burgers.”
One of the best running gags on Bob’s Burgers is that Teddy thinks Bob’s full name is Bob Burgers.
Season 12, Episode 20: “Sauce Side Story”
“My thighs are just a tiny bit hairier than my mom’s.”
A whole episode could be devoted to little things Teddy reveals about his mom over the course of the series.
Season 3, Episode 6: “The Deepening”
“I’m wearing a guy girdle. It’s called a Boydle.”
They need to sell this with the Spice Rack and Spice-eps.
Season 4, Episode 17: “The Equestranauts”
“Why do men have to ruin everything?”
The most valid argument of all time, Teddy.
Season 4, Episode 14: “Uncle Teddy”
“Don't lecture me about my blood pressure! I'm predisposed to like salty foods.”
Don’t you ever come at Teddy about his diet. Especially when he’s in his favorite restaurant.
Season 11, Episode 8: ”The Terminalator II: Terminals of Endearment"
“Real quick, can I use your bathroom? I'll be, like, between five and thirty minutes.”
Perhaps the most relatable thing Teddy has ever said.
BONUS: Season 8, Episode 2: “The Silence of the Louise”
Today is Tomorrow’s Yesterday.
Not exactly a quote, but probably one of the most memorable Teddy moments of the entirety of Bob’s Burgers.
Get your own “Today is Tomorrow’s Yesterday” merch from our shop!