My Favorite Episode of Bob’s Burgers: “The Silence of the Louise”
We are on a (hopefully) never-ending mission to try to decide which episodes of Bob’s Burgers are top tier episodes of Bob’s Burgers.
In our newest video podcast series on YouTube, My Favorite Episode, we are joined by a special guest who bring us their favorite episode of Bob’s Burgers. We then run the episode through a very official set of criteria that we’ve come up with in order to determine if the guest’s favorite episode of Bob’s Burgers is, in fact, top tier.
In this, we are joined by Sarah Rice of The Brain Candy Podcast and MTV’s The Challenge and the episode she picked is “The
Silence of the Louise.”
For those of you who’d like a quick refresher of the Bob’s Burgers episode: “The Silence of the Louise,” here is the official synopsis courtesy of Fandom:
When Mr. Frond's therapy dolls are mysteriously attacked, Louise teams up with Millie to help solve the case. Meanwhile, Teddy decides to get into the inspirational poster business, but ends up with mixed results.