10 Of The Best Tina Belcher Quotes from Bob's Burgers
Tina Belcher is arguably the most relatable character on Bob’s Burgers. Doomed to live the rest of her life as a teenager, she represents all of us in probably the most awkward and confusing times of our lives.
But Tina Belcher is special. She takes on puberty with humor and an absolute heart of gold. We should all aspire to be more like Tina and we all could learn how to be right now by familiarizing ourselves with some of the best Tina Belcher quotes from “Bob’s Burgers.”
Season 2, Episode 7: “Moody Foodie”
“Time for the charm bomb to explode.”
If anyone knows how to set a charm bomb off, it’s Tina Belcher.
Season 6, Episode 17: “The Horse Rider-er”
“Dear Diary, how are you? I am fine. (sighs) Okay, I'm not fine. You got me. God, you're good.”
Me, in therapy every week.
Season 3, Episode 7: Tina-Rannosaurus Wrecks”
“Let’s see your everything is fine face.”
Okay so this is technically not a Tina quote, but her face here says more than any words possibly could.
Season 3, Episode 21: “Boyz 4 Now”
“My heart just pooped its pants.”
The most teenager thing a teenager could say.
Season 1, Episode 7: “Bed & Breakfast”
“Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads?”
Well I guess I know what I’ll be up all night thinking about now.
Season 1, Episode 4 “Sexy Dance Fighting”
“If you need me, I’ll be down here on the floor. Dying.”
Same, girl. Same.
Season 3, Episode 21 “Boyz 4 Now”
“I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else.”
The only thing not accurate in this statement is Tina thinking she’s not a hero.
Season 6, Episode 7: “The Gene and Courtney Show”
“Everything's fine. Look at my perfectly normal face.”
Me talking to myself in the mirror every morning.
Season 2, Episode 7: “Moody Foodie”
“I have a photographic butt memory.”
The most magical skill of them all.
Season 5, Episode 2 “Tina and the Real Ghost”
“I don’t need a boy to pay attention to me. I’ll pay attention to myself.”
…And finally she gets it.